Workshop 10: Packaged food. Food waste reduction solutions in food packaging for take-away and retail
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The European Union generates around 88 million tonnes of food waste every year. This means that 20% of the total food production is lost or wasted. The main origin of food waste are households. However, there is still a 26% from food service and 13% from retail that can be reduced with the efforts of all the industry players. In this workshop we will see 3R applied solutions for retail and take away.
Topics to be covered
- Circular take-away solutions
- Sustainable retail and HORECA
09.00 Welcome & General Introduction of the workshop including the 2 Master Classes by Mònica Riera, Packaging Cluster
09.05 Trends and Innovations in the reusable Packaging by Cristina Taverner Head of Academia and Business Relations Dept.Graduate & Undergraduate Lecturer, Elisava
09.20 Presentation of the overall theme from Asian expert TBD
09.35 Introduction to Digital Master Class 1 “Circular Take-Away Solutions” by Mònica Riera, Packaging Cluster
09.35 How can we use Recycling Packaging in the Food sector by David Esteban, CEO of Rebootle
09.45 Transformation of a Traditional Business of the Foodservice Sector Oriol Segarra, Bûmerang
09.55 Presentation by Asian company TBD
10.00 Introduction to Master Class 2 “Sustainable Retail and HORECA” by Mònica Riera, Packaging Cluster
10.00 Presentation by Inmaculada Lorente, ITENE
10.10 How to implement reuse in the Foodservice Sector Cristina Alonso, AREAS
10.20 Presentation by Asian company TBD
10.30 Q & A and Wrap-up
Don’t miss this interesting Thematic Workshop, please register here