Nurturing Global Collaborations: Success Stories from the Global Foodture Missions

The Global Foodture project, an integral part of ESCP partnerships initiated by the European Commission, stands as a beacon of collaboration between European clusters. Designed to foster cross-sectoral and cross-regional collaboration, the project focuses on supporting the internationalization of European SMEs through innovation collaborations with Asian partners.

The meticulous planning and selection process laid the foundation for the success of the missions. A total of 37 companies participated, with 30 European SMEs receiving travel vouchers. The missions were strategically organized with a thematic focus – the first mission to Thailand in May, centered around food waste and alternative proteins, and the second mission to Singapore in October/November, emphasizing alternative proteins.

Global Foodture mission to Thailand (May 2023)

An online preparation meeting a month before the mission ensured that participating companies were well-informed and ready for the program. The company catalog, shared with potential collaborators, aimed to enhance the quality of matches during the mission.

In collaboration with Thailand Management Association (TMA) and Foodinnopolis, the mission to Thailand featured company visits, participation in the Thaifex Anuga exhibition, networking events, and pitches at various conferences. The delegation explored the food ecosystem, meeting key stakeholders and gaining insights into recent food innovations.

The mission resulted in 71 business meetings and 38 cooperation cases. Participants reported a boost in internationalization activities (50%), increased visibility of innovations in the target market (90%), and new ideas for internationalization (90%). The SMEs praised the well-organized program, emphasizing the significance of company visits and networking events.

Global Foodture Mission to Singapore (October/November 2023)

In collaboration with Enterprise Singapore (ESG), the mission to Singapore, held during the Singapore International Agrifood Week, included visits to various innovation centers, exhibitions, and presentations from key stakeholders. Networking events facilitated interactions with key players in the food ecosystem.

The participants had over 150 business meetings resulting in 51 cooperation cases. Positive feedback highlighted the effectiveness of organized visits, networking opportunities, and the fair. Participants valued the connections made during the week, with 76% mentioning a boost in internationalization activities and 82% gaining new ideas for internationalizing in Singapore.

Both missions received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants and consortium partners. The insights gained into local food ecosystems, valuable connections made with key stakeholders, and relevant cooperation cases indicate the success of the missions. The structured approach, combining company visits, networking, and participation in exhibitions, proved effective in fostering collaboration. Looking ahead, the lessons learned from these missions provide a roadmap for future initiatives aimed at strengthening international partnerships and innovation collaborations in the food sector.

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