Exploring the Future of Food Innovation: A Journey Through Singapore

Global Foodture’s activities, with the support of the European Commission, include a system of travel vouchers to support European SMEs in international innovation collaboration. The system of vouchers allows the selected SMEs to partly finance their participation in the

Workshop 11: Bringing urban farming to new heights

Image by Freepik https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/client-shopping-local-retailer_24749522.htm#query=vertical%20farming&position=8&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=cfcfb2a4-c503-4a51-8d30-20959ea0d8d9

On 21st September we carried out the eleventh online thematic workshop of Global Foodture: “Bringing urban farming to new heights” with more than 200 registered participants. During this online thematic workshop European and Asian SMEs and flagship projects showcased